In 2022, I started a project in the Cape Verde Islands with my friend and colleague Cees Koldijk. It’s called Foundation Cape Green.

We plant trees, place computers in village schools, organise video and music workshops for young local people and do plastic recycling. All these activities are free in the form of donations to the community. The project is financed by donors from the Netherlands, the USA and others. We are based in Tarrafal on Santiago island, the main island of the Cape Verde archipel. For more information, check out our website


In Mali I set up a foundation in 2009 with the help of three Dutch friends in the village where I used to live. It is a fishing village on the Bani river near Djenne. We constructed a school, a fish nursery, kitchen gardens and wells. Over the years more than 1000 children have graduated who had otherwise never gone to school. The best students have received grants from us for further education. Many of them have become nurses, bookkeepers and technicians. We also distribute food in times of need as you can see on the photographs.

In spite of the recent safety issues in the country our project continues. For more information, please have a look at our website

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